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Autumn School in Doha (Qatar)

01 – 09 November 2014

In November 2014, the first in a series of three academic meetings took place in Doha, Qatar. Hosted by the Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies (QFIS), students from Beirut, Doha and Cologne got together to discuss the Autumn School’s complex subject, Struggling for Social Justice – Concepts, Networks and Agencies from a cross-cultural perspective. The workshops and debates were focused on the development of philosophical and religious approaches on Social Justice.


Dr. Hatem El-Karanshawy delivered the opening speech on islamic concepts of justice (‘adl, ‘adâla), elaborating the significance of notions such as equality and equalisation, while illustrating the very tangible discrepancy between their theological and mundane utilisation. The following week provided numerous and prolific opportunity to the students to discuss and exchange established ideas as well as their own personal viewpoints, shaped by their respective cultural, educational and religious backgrounds and experiences.
