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Struggling for Social Justice


Within the scope of the German Academic Exchange Service’s project “Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World”, three universities from Doha, Qatar (Hamad bin Khalifa University), Cologne, Germany (Universität zu Köln) and Beirut, Lebanon (Beirut Arab University) are participating in a series of cooperations and exchanges, spanning three years from 2014 to 2016. The project widely deals with topics of social justice. Last year, students from Beirut and Cologne visited Doha to discuss questions and issues arising from approaches on social justice. In September/October 2015, students from Doha and Cologne will meet in Beirut for workshops and discussions on global justice and migration. Additionally, academic staff will visit their respective partner universities for teaching stays on various fields of research. In 2016, students from Doha and Lebanon will meet their fellow students in Cologne.

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